About us
Wiesbaden Dental – Family Dentistry
Friendly & helpful Staff
Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with excellent, personalized care to make your visits as comfortable and pleasant as possible.
The Best Service
We provide comprehensive treatment plans, use restorative and cosmetic dentistry to achieve the optimal dental health for your whole family, and help with filing any and all insurance claims.
Sustainable Practices
We aim to use materials that are best for you and the environment, while making sure your treatment will last.
Our Insurance Policy
Our clinic is a Tricare preferred provider for active duty dependants and retirees. Active duty family members will have claims submitted directly.
Other private insurances are accepted, but are required to pay up front for services. Our front desk staff is able to assist with sending of dental claim.
Our billing system is American with ADA procedure codes. This is allowing a fast and complete reimbursement since procedures and fees are based on the American Dental Association codes.

Meet our Doctors
Dr. Sean Simpson
Dr. Sean Simpson graduated in 1997 from Temple School of Dentistry. He then completed a one year General Dentistry residency program at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Reading, PA.
Over the next five years Dr. Simpson worked in private practice in Pennsylvania. He worked as a contract care provider in Wiesbaden Army Dental clinic for 10 years and offically joined the practice in November 2015.
Education & Credentials
1997 – Temple University School of Dentistry, Philadelphia, PA
2005 – Former Contractor US Army Wiesbaden Dental Clinic
Dr. Troy Marburger
Dr. Troy Marburger graduated in 1990 from University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. He joined the Army that same year and completed a one year General Dentistry residency program at Fort Jackson South Carolina from 1990-1991. He completed a two year Comprehensive Dentistry program at Fort Hood Texas 2000-2002.
Dr. Marburger further worked in the Army as a Comprehensive Dentist until Oct 2018 when he retired after 28 years of service. In 2018, he moved to Germany to join this practice. He is proficient in all aspects of General Dentistry, focusing on surgical extractions of wisdom teeth and comprehensive dentistry.
Education & Credentials
1987 – University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
1991 – Retired Col US Army
Dr. Nadia Lackhoff
Dr. Lackhoff recieved her Doctor of Dental Surgery in 2001 from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. She was fortunate to work in various dental practices in Minneapolis and in the Seattle area.
Her love for traveling and sense of adventure eventually led her to work as a contract dentist in Hanau and Wiesbaden for over a decade. During that time, she felt privileged to provide comprehensive dental treatment for soldiers and family members.
Education & Credentials
2001 – University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, MN
2005 – Former Civilian Contractor US Army at the Hanau and Wiesbaden Dental Clinic
Dr. Stefan Gerhardt
Dr. Stefan Gerhardt maintained a private dental office in Frankfurt from 1983-1992 and a Dental Office in Wiesbaden from 1992-2020.
He received his dental degree from the University of Kiel, Dental School, Germany in December 1978. Winter / spring 1979 saw Dr. Gerhardt in informal residencies (Washington University School of Dental Medicine, St. Louis / UCLA / USC, Los Angeles), followed by service as Captain in the Dental Corps, German Air Force in Oldenburg (northern Germany).
Extensive continuing education efforts led to the implementation of advanced modes of treatment, besides the regular treatment modalities: Maryland bridges/adhesive bridges (1983) / full ceramic C&B (1984) / functional diagnosis and treatment (1984) / orthodontics, including adults (1985) / implant dentistry (1987) / endodontics with surgical microscope (1992) / large posterior direct bonded composite restorations as routine treatment (1993) / periodontal GTR/GBR tissue/bone replacement (1998). During subsequent years he spent considerable effort to constantly improve procedures in line with current developments.
As a member of the International Association of Aerospace Dentistry, his interest in aviation led to the development and application of equipment used to diagnose aerodontalgia in 2008.
Education & Credentials
1978 – University of Kiel, Germany
1979 – Washington University of Dental Medicine residence
1983 – German Air Force
2020 – Private Dental Office
Dr. Christopher Sturmes
Dr. Christopher Sturmes is an accomplished dental professional with a diverse background. He earned his dental degree from the University of Freiburg, Germany, in July 2019.
Prior to pursuing dentistry, he gained valuable experience as a dental technician, specializing in digital workflows and the fabrication of various prosthetics.
Following his graduation, Dr. Sturmes contributed his expertise to the University Hospital Freiburg, where he dedicated 18 months to the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry.
Subsequently, he further honed his skills at a dental office in Friedrichshafen by the picturesque Lake Constance, where he embarked on a comprehensive curriculum focusing on esthetic dentistry.
His commitment to advancing dental care and his multidimensional experience set him apart as a dedicated and knowledgeable practitioner in the field.
Education & Credentials
2019 – University of Freiburg, Germany
2020 – Department for prosthetic dentistry, University Hospital Freiburg, Germany
2023 – Private Practice in Friedrichshafen, Germany